• OpenCensus

A single distribution of libraries for metrics and distributed tracing
with minimal overhead that allows you to export data to multiple backends.

Kudos to whoever came up with the design and architecture of OpenCensus. Tried it for the first time yesterday and it was a great experience for me as a monitoring developer. It feels a lot more thought out and robust than other solutions.
   - Ben Ripkens, Staff Software Engineer - Instana

What is OpenCensus?

A single distribution of libraries that automatically collects traces and metrics from your app, displays them locally, and sends them to any analysis tool. See an overview.  

Who is behind OpenCensus?

OpenCensus originates from Google, where a set of libraries called Census were used to automatically capture traces and metrics from services. Since going open source, the project is now composed of a group of cloud providers, application performance management vendors, and open source contributors. The project is hosted in GitHub and all work occurs there.

How do I contribute?

Contributions are highly appreciated! Please see our community page to contribute.

Key Features

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    Wire protocols and consistent APIs

    Standard wire protocols and consistent APIs for handling trace and metric data.

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    Single set of Libraries

    A single set of libraries for many languages, including Java, C++, Go. In progress - Python, PHP, Erlang, and Ruby.

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    Included integrations with web and RPC frameworks, democratizing good tracing and metric collection.

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    Included exporters for storage and analysis tools. Right now the list includes Zipkin, Prometheus, Jaeger, Stackdriver, Datadog, and SignalFx.

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    Open Source

    All the code is entirely open source, to easily add your own integrations and exporters.

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    No Add-ons Needed

    No additional server or daemon is required to support OpenCensus.

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    Optional Agent

    In process debugging: an optional agent for displaying request and metrics data on instrumented hosts.

  • Google Summer of Code
    Get Involved - Interested in developing for OpenCensus? Here are some ideas:

    2018 Google Summer of Code


Go straight to the language of your choice:




See the current roadmap of OpenCensus.  


Partners & Contributors

Stackdriver logo
Prometheus logo
Zipkin logo
Jaeger logo
Cesar logo
SignalFX logo
Datadog logo
The Creative Few logo
Google logo
Microsoft logo
Solarwinds logo




